Uber Mission Statement, Vision, and Values 2023

Uber Mission Statement and Vision Statement Analysis

Uber Mission Statement: Uber’s mission statement reads, ” Transportation as reliable as running water, everywhere for everyone.”


Specifically, the mission statement focuses on what Uber is about treating its customers to exceptional services. The following elements are linked to the mission statement:

Uber Mission Statement

  1.  Improvement of lives. Uber recognizes the immense problems faced by modern communities, as expressed in the mission of its statement. To address these challenges, Uber aims to make sure that it is a good use of technology and an excellent collaboration to create an environment that encourages individual and social flourishing. This is the model Uber is implementing through their worldwide citizenship programs, which has demonstrated that it has the potential to impact the lives of the people, not just financially as well as socially. Furthermore, the company implements this idea by providing city-building programs that profoundly change communities.
  2.  Exceeding expectations. Although transportation is the principal purpose of this business, Uber has gone beyond its mandate to connect other services of convenience to give its customers a better experience. For instance, the company has integrated delivery services that allow customers to purchase and deliver food faster and at a lower cost. That’s just the beginning of the story — Uber offers exceptional healthcare rides called “U Uber Health for health’ that provide customers with the most secure speedy aid in obtaining the healthcare they require. With the services offered, Uber has proven that it is significantly more than most think. It is a trustworthy and trustworthy partner for all.
  3.  Everywhere for everyone. Uber is thriving in ensuring it can meet this part of its mission. The broadening of the offerings of Uber to include air-road travel as well as other services that are unique to customers has helped make Uber an ideal choice for everyone. The expansion beyond the boundaries of regional limitations to make its presence felt globally is another excellent effort Uber has put into satisfying this aspect making Uber an international business.


In less than 10 years, Uber Technologies Inc. is a business that has grown dramatically from a regional transportation firm into a massive global transportation network.

The growth achieved by Uber can be attributed to the organization’s culture embodied by the goals and vision statements of the business.

They have earned the company a name that has enabled the business to emerge as the most prominent competitor in this sector operates in 785 countries on a global level, far more than any other business operating similar business models.


The vision statement of a business is a statement of goals specific to be accomplished within a defined timeframe that management hopes will impact its decisions as well as the operations of the company.

The vision of Uber, illustrated by its growing determination to overcome the challenges of comfort convenience-based transportation, shows the transformation the company intends to introduce into the market. It is in close connection with its purpose.

Uber Mission Statement and Vision Statement Analysis


Management teams use a mission statement to assist the organization in achieving its goals.

The mission statement of Uber emphasizes the experience of unlimited possibilities its strategic strategy offers clients.

Uber emphasizes the unbreakable link between its successes and its core beliefs.

Uber uses core principles to align everyone and everything with goals.

Being a customer-centric firm that builds globally and embraces diversity is important to Uber’s growth into new service territories.

In addition to the goal mission statement, these company elements have helped Uber dominate this market.

Mission Statement

Uber’s mission is among the most profound and insightful words ever created. It’s a simple but exact statement.

When we review Uber’s mission statement, we find Uber purpose statement we will find the following:

Giving opportunities: Uber is a platform that offers opportunities to both drivers and riders. It provides jobs for drivers who wish to earn money seats, empty seats that can be shared among the exact locations, and also saves cash for the passengers.

Uber assists millions of people around the globe to become financially independent by providing employment opportunities, specifically in third-world countries.

It also provided an opportunity for anyone with a car or a friend to talk and talk while traveling in the same direction to earn additional money.

Worldwide trusted transportation: It is critical to be protected in sharing a trip. Uber has created this for its customers all over the globe.

A company called Uber operates not just in developed nations like the United States but also in emerging and developing countries.

Uber ensures that drivers are vetted. It also assisted Uber in improving its services with its customer ratings system.

The importance of motion: To progress, you must be moving. We’ll be left behind if our world becomes stagnant.

Uber strives to advance the globe by ensuring that no one gets out or wastes time traveling to a new location because of traffic jams or shortages of cars.

To ensure that the world is moving, the word “motion” is crucial. The progress of anything is determined by the speed at which it is made.

Vision Statement

Uber’s vision is ” We ignite opportunity by setting the world in motion.” The vision statement is focused on Uber’s influence, not just in the field of transportation but also in other processes that are influenced by the work it performs.

There are a variety of elements in this vision statement.

  1. Bring opportunities to light. Uber is a business whose activities connect people to others and places. In addition, the convenience that comes with the services provided by Uber offers various benefits, including ensuring that people reach their destination in time to take advantage of the opportunities waiting for them. In addition, Uber gives its customers a chance to control and control the travel of their employees from their workplaces. For instance, Uber allows customers to manage and utilize the group application that will enable them to take advantage of no-cost rises.
  2. The world is moving. Reliability is a trademark Uber is proud to be associated with. Since its beginning, at the beginning of the year, 2009, Uber has never been late to its customers in delivering things to the satisfaction of its clients. Uber offers a wide variety of services, including air travel, to meet the varied needs of customers and its ability to put the world in motion. In essence, wherever it operates, there is no limit to the company’s potential. A customer only needs to submit a request to hop on and then take a ride at a reasonable price.

Core Values

Uber’s core values are ” we build globally; we live locally; we are customer obsessed; we celebrate differences; we do the right thing; we act like owners, we persevere; we value ideas over hierarchy; we make big, bold bets.” With these ideas, Uber has established itself as the most innovative, reliable, forward-thinking ride-sharing company.

The operation of this business demonstrates that it has broadened its operations to a global scale in an approach that makes travel feel like a local experience.

Its ability to cater to the needs of customers with different backgrounds, tailoring its services to meet the requirements of customers, offering customers a fair run for their cash, and going all in to provide the best has brought the company to where it is today.

This is backed up by the importance Uber provides to Ideas and the recognition of the importance of the customer as a vital part of this business.

Uber’s Cultural Norms

Uber’s Cultural Norms not only highlight the company’s values but also demonstrate the values that are innately embedded into the culture of the company. Uber’s cultural Norms comprise eight elements:

Build globally, live locally: 

Uber values partnerships that benefit both parties. Uber’s whole business strategy is based on providing people with the chance to earn money by being Uber drivers and contributing to the growth and bottom line. The opportunity to work within local economies has allowed Uber to reside in the local area and expand worldwide quickly.

The Customer is Obsessed: 

The experience of getting into a stranger’s vehicle demands the highest degree of trust. To keep customers returning repeatedly, drivers must provide an enjoyable ride that exceeds customers’ expectations. Uber is utterly at the service of the client.

Celebrate differences:

Uber is entirely different from other companies, which helps it stand out from other companies. Uber is open to different and innovative methods of business. With the growth of female employees by 3 percent, African Americans by 44.5 percent, and Hispanics by 73.5 percent, it is undeniable that Uber recognizes and appreciates diversity and diversity.

Don’t Do The Right Thing: 

Most companies cannot achieve Uber’s success, despite the apparent distinctions in operation. In the beginning, Uber expanded rapidly because its drivers were doing the right thing, even when they were not supervised. Being honest and doing the correct item is highly valued and embedded in Uber’s DNA as a norm of culture.

Act like Owners: 

Once you sign up as an Uber driver, you will automatically be part of the company. From the duration of your work until the time you begin work, drivers of Uber are free to pick the best time that suits their needs. As owners, they have a great responsibility, including accountability and the most effective way to proceed. Uber appreciates drivers who behave like owners and are accountable for their errors.


Since its inception, Uber has persevered through numerous difficulties. For example, the company was not profitable for a long time, yet it remains solid. Uber is not looking for quick fixes or the quickest way but can tackle the most demanding challenges by tapping into the collective strength within the organization. Resilience is the company’s key weapon.

Ideas over hierarchy: 

Uber believes in the value of the most innovative and disruptive ideas over traditional methods. Uber resisted the conventional transportation system’s structure to develop an organization based on fresh and innovative concepts. Today, Uber provides a fertile environment for generating creative ideas, leveraging external and internal sources.

Making big, bold bets: 

Uber has been making bold, big bets from the beginning when it shattered the norm to develop a commercial structure for its ride-hailing application rather than a traditional taxi service company. Through the many failures during its development, Uber learned from its mistakes and made smarter bets over time.

Uber’s Principles

Uber is aware that connecting drivers with places and drivers with opportunities can have real-world effects. To achieve this, Uber follows several rules to fulfill its obligations and responsibilities promptly.

  1. Enhancing accessibility: From UberEats, which improves the accessibility to nutrition, to UberHealth, which ensures medical care, doctors, and other caregivers are more accessible to patients. Expanding access to all services to all people using mobility is Uber’s primary idea.
  2. Delivering reliability:  Uber believes that every network should be utilized to serve all within the community. No matter what the purpose is, whether it’s a place to go or a goal, an efficient transportation system that Uber provides is crucial to enable both drivers and passengers to achieve their goals.
  3. Providing Choices: While in Paris on vacation, The founders were dissatisfied with the absence of good options for mobility, and they chose to launch Uber. Uber is focused on eliminating the rigidity in the traditional transportation system and allowing riders and drivers more options, flexibility, and freedom for mobility and work and vice versa.
  4. Aligning needs: It is evident that the experience of every ride is greatly influenced by the requirements of the driver and the passenger. Utilizing Uber’s ride-hailing service available to each party can be matched to ensure a pleasant experience.
  5. Being upfront: From pricing to matching and the effects of technological advancements, Uber always has the proper tools and information needed to increase clarity and permit both the riders and drivers to reap the maximum benefits of its services.

Uber’s Philosophy

Uber’s philosophy is traceable to the challenges the founders tried to resolve at the time of the company’s founding and the lessons they learned throughout the years.

It is broken into six parts:

  1. Autonomy and Independence: Every person has the right to choose whatever they like at any moment. Uber gives riders and drivers more excellent choices and the freedom to use their autonomy in autonomy, autonomy, and freedom.
  2. Do-it-yourself Uber believes that everyone can manage their financial position. All they require is the tools and possibilities to take advantage of, which Uber is ready and well-equipped to offer.
  3. Please Don’t Give up: Since its beginning, Uber has faced many failures but has risen, re-energized, and made a more significant and riskier bet.
  4. Problem-solvers The Uber policy is to look for problems and resolve the issues. This approach has allowed Uber to create a network of solution seekers in the firm, which helps its members to be a part of their communities.
  5. Inclusivity: Uber believes in the potential of a diverse, egalitarian, and inclusive society. To encourage inclusion, Uber is nurturing a positive environment that allows full participation for minorities and vulnerable and marginalized groups within the organization.
  6. Community First: Uber is at the forefront of addressing the issue of unemployment as the primary problem that is affecting communities all over the globe. Through programs such as Uber’s Fund for SustainableMobility, Uber is setting the stage to address issues that will impact communities shortly.

What Is Uber?

Uber Technologies Inc. is now a global transportation company.

Uber’s vision and mission foster a strong corporate culture.

San Francisco’s 2009 Uber transformed travel.

Despite lacking cars, it was the world’s largest transportation firm. Ideas create.

This is why the company is admired. It is in 785 countries, more than any other company with a similar strategy.

The company’s vision statement provides short-term goals that influence management’s decisions.

Uber’s vision and goal emphasize convenience and comfort over pricing, which will change the transportation sector. Uber’s mission is strong.

Uber Technologies Inc., better known as Uber, is a global transport service.

It transports people and commodities.

Uber, launched in 2009, operates in over 900 cities worldwide.

An organization’s mission guides its approach to meeting its goals.

Uber’s purpose highlight its clients’ unique experiences and services.

The corporation emphasizes the close relationship between its successes and its core values.

The company’s basic beliefs ensure its aims are met.

The company’s basic values—customer-centric development, global building, and celebrating differences—have helped it expand into new fields and activities worldwide.

Uber has risen to the top of the market thanks to its vision, mission, and other organizational elements.

Company Uber Technologies Inc
Year founded March 2009
Industries Delivery & Transport
CEO Dara Khosrowshahi
Founder Travis Kalanick, Garrett Camp
Headquarter San Francisco, California, United States
Type Public
Market Cap $86.681 Billion (November 2021)
Revenue $11.14 billion (FY 2020)
Website https://www.uber.com


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  • Uber – Home
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Final Word

Uber’s mission is to link drivers riders people with everyday services like food delivery, hence expanding opportunities for more people.

Uber seeks to connect the physical and digital worlds while also protecting its staff users developing a platform that emits no emissions.


Q.1 What is Uber’s strategy?

ANS. Uber’s strategy is to create an extensive network that results in a liquidity network effect. A significant driver supply-> Less wait for times fares-> More passengers-> More earning potential for drivers-> Several drivers.

Q.2 What is unique about Uber?

ANS. Convenient, Cashless

E-hail customers may hail an automobile anywhere and deliver it in minutes instead of waiting on the phone or finding a cab. Uber doesn’t need to ask for your address. Uber knows precisely where you are.

Q.3 What is Uber’s brand promise?

ANS. Below are Uber’s promises for riders: Tap a button to get a ride. It’s great to be able to request an Uber ride with just one tap. I can also see when my driver will arrive and how much my ride will cost.

Q.4 What is Uber’s motto?

ANS. We reimagine the way the world moves for the better.

Q.5 Why do you want to join Uber?

ANS. “I want Uber to be my employer because you’re a technology company that understands customers’ needs and wants. Your various platforms and services have revolutionized how people travel and order food.

Why did Uber change its mission statement?

The company’s mission statement changed from “Make transportation as reliable as running water, everywhere, for everyone” to “We ignite opportunity by setting the world in motion”. Uber stated in a news release that the modification was made to differentiate the brand.

Does Uber have a motto?

Uber unites behind “Go Get It”

What are Uber’s core values?

We build safety into everything. Uber will remain a safety leader because prioritizes user safety. We understand that safety work never ends we will always improve our communities.

Why has Uber become successful?

The company’s creative business concept, user-friendly interface aggressive expansion plan contributed to its success. It has experienced regulatory impediments legal disputes and PR disasters.


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