Whole Foods Corporate Office address, Phone Number and Email

Whole Foods Market email address and contacts

Whole Foods Corporate Office address: Below, you will find the contact details for Whole Foods Corporate Office Address and Mailing and Postal Office address along with contact information such as the toll-free phone number, Email web address, and fax numbers that can aid you in getting in touch with Whole Foods.


Its Customer Service of Whole Foods is among the best in the business, and they attend to any customer issue or concern swiftly and effectively.

The customer service department is open during business hours, and some emergency numbers are accessible 24 hours a day.


Whole Foods Market email address and contacts

Contact them during regular working hours by sending a letter and email addresses, calling the toll-free number, or contacting the live customer via chat.

Many customers are searching for information about the Whole Foods Corporate Office address or the customer service contact number for Whole Foods, Whole Foods toll-free phone number, customer service number, and customer support phone number.


Whole Foods Corporate Office

Are you looking for information about the different kinds of brands and services offered through Whole Foods, such as Whole Foods Corporate office and toll-free 24-hour number for Whole Foods Availability, Official working customer service phone number, and Headquarters office location for Whole Foods? It’s good news that you can access the essential information on this website.

You can also use these numbers to call the customer service executive and support center. They will assist you in solving the issue quickly and effectively.

We have provided the Whole Foods Phone Number; using this number, you can contact the Whole Foods corporate office and the customer service department.


You can contact a live person on Whole Foods Customer Care Support via the listed Below Whole Foods Contact phone number, and you will be able to receive all the primary aspects of Whole Foods services or able to help get your query addressed correctly by the appropriate authorities.

Company Overview

Whole Foods Market is a food store chain headquartered in Austin, Texas, emphasizing organic and natural products. The company has been recognized as one of the most socially responsible companies and was ranked in the fourth spot on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s list of the Top 25 Green Power Partners.

The company’s founder John Mackey currently serves as the CEO of the publicly traded company. With products and food made without preservatives, pesticides, and sweeteners, as well as the ill effects of animal cruelty, Whole Foods Market knows more about a healthy diet and shopping than most retailers.

Established in Austin, Texas, in 1980, Whole Foods Market pioneered the concept of the supermarket in organic and natural foods selling.

Company Overview

Whole Foods Corporate Office Contact Information

Find here the Whole Foods mailing and postal address, Corporate office address, customer service assistance number, corporate headquarters address for Whole Foods, Customer service support #, and Corporate Office headquarters address.

Whole Foods Customer Service Phone Number:

  • Customer Service Support Phone Number: 1-(512) 477-4455

The above number may not be a toll-free number, and you could be charged when calling this number at normal rates for calling. This customer support phone number for Whole Foods is available during normal working hours. It may be unavailable during certain holidays.

Whole Foods Customer Support Email Address: 

Below is the official email address for Whole Foods. They offer support via email throughout the day, all through the year. They generally respond within 24 hours. Typically, you can anticipate a delay in the response.

Whole Foods Corporate Office Address and Phone Number:

The official postal address for mailing/postal headquarters, payment office, and address for Whole Foods. The public can use these contact numbers to get in touch with them and have their concern or inquiry addressed quickly.

Whole Foods Corporate Office Address: 550 Bowie Street Austin, TX 78703-4644 United States

 Office Phone Number Toll Free: 1-(512) 477-4455

 Office Fax Number Details: (512) 482-7000

Whole Foods Corporate Office Email Address: NA

Website:  www.wholefoods.com

Whole Foods Customer Service Working Hours

You can contact Whole Foods customer service and a live customer service representative during the following hours of operation, all hours of the day, seven days a. The call center number is 1-512-477-4455.

Whole Foods Social Media Links

Whole Foods Account Login

Members from Whole Foods can sign into their accounts to shop or access other features.

Step 1. Click on the homepage’s sign-up page for Whole Foods

Step 2. In the middle of the webpage, there is a login section. Input your username and email into the appropriate spaces, then click on the “Sign in” button.

You can also sign in using your Facebook account to log into your account.

Whole Foods Headquarters Leadership Team

There is a leadership team at the corporate office.

Leadership Team

Scott Allhouse – President Mid-Atlantic
Michael Bashaw – President Midwest
Bart Beilman – Distribution Vice President
Patrick Bradley – Southern Pacific President
Jason Buechel – CIO and Vice President
Laura Debra – North Atlantic President
Mark Dixon – Southwest President
Mark Ehrnstein – Vice President
Sam Ferguson – Vice President
Glenda Flanagan – CFO and Executive Vice President
Betsy Foster – Vice President
A.C. Gallo – COO and President
Omar Gaye – South President
Edmund LaMacchia – Vice President
Roberta Lang – Vice President
David Lannon – Executive Vice President
John Mackey – Co-CEO
Lee Matecko – Vice President
Cindy McCann – Vice President
Christina Minardi – North East President
Juan Nunez – Florida President
Brian O’Connell – Vice President
Will Paradise – Rocky Mountain President
Walter Robb – Co-CEO
Joe Rogoff – Pacific Northwest President
Jim Speirs – Vice President
Jim Sud – Executive Vice President
Jeff Turnas – United Kingdom President
Rob Twyman – Northern California President
Margaret Wittenberg – Vice President

Whole Foods Headquarters Location & Directions


Q.1 Is Whole Foods headquartered in Austin?

ANS. Our headquarters are in Austin, Texas. However, they’re spread out when you’re looking for the offices we have. Regional offices are handling the business, east coast to West, North to South. Our headquarters is located in the same place everything began in 1980.

Q.2 Does Amazon still own Whole Foods?

ANS. Amazon purchased Whole Foods five years ago for $13.7 billion. What’s made a difference at the premium grocery store?

Q.3 What does TMS stand for Whole Foods?

ANS. Whole Foods Market Careers – Team Member Services Generalist.

Q.4 How many callouts can you have at Whole Foods?

ANS. “During the beginning of COVID-19 we temporarily stopped our time & Attendance policy as a as a whole, and also took corrective actions to allow Team members to enjoy unlimited calls outs from work at the peak of the pandemic,” a company spokesperson stated.


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