Microsoft Mission Statement and Vision Statement Analysis 2023

Microsoft Vision, Mission and values

Microsoft Mission Statement: Microsoft’s mission is ” to empower every person and every organisation in the world to accomplish greater things.” ‘Empowerment’ is the main word in the mission statement.


Microsoft Mission Statement

It is the primary goal of the business and also what its strategic strategies of the company aim to accomplish. It also pinpoints two primary beneficiaries of empowerment, the employees and the organizations. The components that come out of the mission statement are:

  1. Empowering communities. In the first part of its statement on a mission, Microsoft is focus on the primary goal of its products for the user’s empowerment. Microsoft has various products that have different advantages. For instance, the software is used to enhance the efficiency of corporate management processes of other organizations. People can also improve their skills in computing using user-friendly Microsoft products. There’s no limit to the places Microsoft can benefit from, as students can discover their potential for learning with Microsoft’s tailor school technology.
  2. Exceeding expectations. Microsoft places great emphasis on doing more than its customers’ expectations. For instance, Microsoft has expand its wings to make its presence seen in every sphere of existence, including the automobile industry and also in the most delicate areas like the field of healthcare. Through Microsoft’s particular products for niches, the company has help companies run more securely with Microsoft designs.
  3. Every person and organization. Microsoft remains aware of its customers as it does what it is best at. In stating that it doesn’t exclude any individual, the company emphasizes its desire to be more in line with the second part of its mission statement. The inclusion of this component indicates how Microsoft is a firm that is committ to everyone, regardless of their technology needs, whether personal or corporate. Microsoft will continue to provide them with equal service.


Microsoft Corporation dominates the technology industry because its management team can guide employees toward the company’s vision and objective. Microsoft overcame computer technology constraints with its clear and flexible view of the company.

Modern industry giants include it. Its purpose and vision statement tells much about the organization and its values.

A company’s vision statement (CVS) describes its goals. Management believes a mission statement will get the organization there soon.


Microsoft’s visionary statement is analyze base on the company’s impact on society, both on individuals and corporations.

The mission statement of Microsoft outlines how it will get the best out of everyone it interacts with. Microsoft’s success stems from its values.

Microsoft Introduction


The core values serve as the guiding values in a business to ensure that management develops an environment that aligns with the vision and mission declarations. In this instance, Microsoft incorporates innovativeness, sustainability, and inclusion along with other values that are essential aspects of its business.

They encourage growth within the organization by motivating employees to work hard not just for the business but for the general development of the sector. So, Microsoft depends on the seamless integration of three corporate statements to be one of the top brands within the technology sector of computers.

Name Microsoft Corporation
Industries served Computer software, Electronics
Geographic areas served Worldwide
Headquarters U.S.
Current CEO Steve Ballmer
Revenue $ 73.72 billion (2012)
Profit $ 16.97 billion (2012)
Employees 94,000 (2012)

Mission Statement

“To enable every person and every company on the planet to do even more,” Microsoft’s mission statement declares. The mission statement of Microsoft demonstrates Microsoft’s primary focus is helping individuals and groups to achieve their goals.

The utility of the company’s computers is used to help achieve this empowerment. In Microsoft’s statement of business goals, the following aspects are essential:

  • Empowerment
  • Every person and every business anywhere on earth
  • To achieve more

The first element of Microsoft’s business plan shows what its technology can accomplish for consumers. The empowerment of consumers can alter how data is process. It could speed up processing in offices and enhance access to information in homes.

The target population is state in the second part of the business’s mission statement and, in this instance, is all people and institutions across the globe. Furthermore, its primary goal is to ensure that its software and computer technology solutions will help consumers to achieve more significant results.

Since both refer to empowerment, Microsoft’s mission statement is similar to the company’s vision statement. The company’s mission statement is, however, more focus on the tangible benefits of reaching greater. This benefit or value is apparent in Microsoft’s advertising mix, also known as 4P strategies and plans.

Vision Statement

Microsoft’s vision statement states, “t o help people and companies around the world reach their maximum capacity.”

The idea outline in the vision statement is that Microsoft can bring about positive change in its customers. It is possible to identify the following elements in the vision statement:

  1.  Throughout the world. The initial part of this statement is that Microsoft does not operate as a regional or local business. Microsoft is a company that targets the world market, and there is no limit on who could benefit from the firm’s offerings. Microsoft offers various products for everyone, from small businesses to individuals of all kinds and sizes. To enhance the value of this feature, Microsoft has a wide variety of tools for even the most prominent companies that exist – the government. For instance, Microsoft demonstrates the advantages its devices can be able to bring to the operations of large corporations and indicates that its range of products is endless.
  2.  Realize full potential. In the second part, Microsoft reveals the specifics of the tools, devices, and software they are design to accomplish. The goal of helping clients improve their capabilities and abilities is the essence of Microsoft and is why the business focuses on introducing innovations centered around the customer. For example, the assistance offered ranges from simple applications that enhance the user’s abilities to more complicat programs that transform them into creators and designers of innovative products. That’s only part of it, however, since Microsoft offers other methods of empowerment to help clients realize their full potential, as state in the second part of its vision statements.

Core Values

Microsoft’s core values include ” innovation, trustworthy computing diversity and inclusion Corporate social responsibility philanthropy and the environmental protection.” Its existence in these core values has allowed the company’s management to guide everyone’s efforts toward the purpose and vision of the company. These values help the company in many ways.

Microsoft recognizes the importance of fostering an innovative environment to flourish in the technology field of computers. This is directly correlated to the availability of services that assist users with reliable computing.

To create a positive impression worldwide, Microsoft has learned the art of diversifying and being inclusive so that it is a global brand that does not sever any relationships with anyone.

It also enhances its image by adhering to its obligation to society by implementing programs that help and support the communities it serves, as evidenced by the fourth and fifth values of its corporate. As a sustainable company, Microsoft’s success is directly linked to the eco-friendly nature of its products and services.

An Assessment of Microsoft’s Corporate Mission & Corporate Vision

Microsoft’s mission statement provides a broad scope of the business and a general notion of the value proposition for the company. But, the mission statement needs to clearly define the company’s operations in terms of its purpose or what it is doing as an information technology and online service provider.

The mission statement should convey an overall idea of the business’s essence, activities, goals, and purpose. In this situation, the recommendation is to enhance Microsoft’s mission statement to include how the organization can achieve its corporate goals.

For instance, the mission statement might state that the company uses information technology to help organizations and individuals. Additionally, Microsoft can state rapid innovation as a method of making the products that its customers require.

The Microsoft corporate vision outlines the intended market and the product’s worth to customers, directly in line with the tenets of the mission statement of the company. The corporate image needs details to guide the organization’s development strategy.

An excellent visionary account must define the future vision of Microsoft. It is recommended to update the company’s vision statement to include information on where the company’s business is heading and how the future will be realized.

This suggestion gives more direction for the company’s strategy formulation. Microsoft’s corporate vision statement could provide information on the company’s sought-after market leadership position and the general strategies to achieve that position.


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Final Thoughts

Microsoft’s vision and mission statement show how the corporation has grown. Microsoft is committed to excellence and empowers the communities it serves.

The firm and clear ideas have enabled the company to overcome obstacles and keep the same path to achieve excellence. They’re committed to encouraging employees to be at their best in all circumstances. This has led to remarkable advancements in the field of technology.

Microsoft’s vibrant and bold logo is instantly recognized as a symbol of excellence and creativity.
All the best for your new position at Microsoft!


Q.1 What was Microsoft’s original mission statement?

ANS. Bill Gates’ original mission for Microsoft of the idea of putting “a computer at every desk and in the homes of every household” “always was a source of concern,” the current CEO Satya Nadella – Microsoft CEO. “It always bugged me that we misinterpreted an eternal mission with a short-term purpose,” he mused in an interview with USA TODAY.

Q.2 What is Microsoft’s main objective?

ANS. GENERAL. Microsoft was established in 1975. We aim to empower companies and individuals across the globe to reach their full potential through the development of technology that revolutionizes how people work and play, and communicate.

Q.3 What is the slogan of Microsoft?

ANS. “Our passion.” This slogan was placed above the 1987 Microsoft logo until 2006. In 2006, it was then placed beneath the logo of 1987. Microsoft logo. The position of the slogan is similar to the slogans “Making it simpler” and “Where do you plan to take a trip this moment?”. This slogan was first introduced in the commercial for the same slogan.

Q.4 What is Microsoft’s work culture?

ANS. Microsoft staff are committed to giving their time, money, skills, and even money to address the problems that face the world today. Giving is part of our society and is a way of living our mission of empowering everyone on earth to do more.

Q.5 What is Microsoft best known for?

ANS. Microsoft is the world’s biggest software manufacturer. It was established in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen 1975 and is most well recognized due to its software offerings, which include Microsoft Windows operating systems, the Microsoft Office suite, and the Internet Explorer web browser.


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