FFA Mission Statement Analysis and Vision 2023

FFA Vision, Mission and Motto

FFA Mission Statement : The goal of the National FFA Organization is to take on a lifelong commitment to helping teach leadership and build character and to instil an interest in learning so that America can grow its future Farmers and Leaders.


In order to foster the next generation of agriculturalists and leaders, FFA is committ to character development and learning excitement instillation.

To be an FFA member, you must have enroll on an agricultural education program or demonstrate an enthusiasm for a particular aspect of agriculture production or ranching.


FFA Vision, Mission and Motto

The vision of an organization is a clear description of the purpose it has for being, as well as what it hopes to achieve and how it differs from other organizations.

The FFA’s mission statement can be found online at https://www.ffa.org/. The statement states that”The FFA is “The most renown leadership development organization for both adults and students”.


This organization is clearly define goals: assist adults and students in becoming better citizens and leaders.


The agriculture industry supplie USD 1.05 trillion in US GDP for 2017, which is 5.4 per cent. If these figures were the entire country that was a nation, it would be the 16th-largest country in terms of GDP.

However, over the past few years, this industry has been affecte by the changing demographics of the workforce and other factors like climate change and trade wars.


Ranchers and farmers make up only 1.3 per cent of the working population in the United States, with a total of 2.6 million. There are approximately 2 million operating farms.

The numbers had decrease since 1935, when there were nearly 7 million farms, and the agricultural sector account for 70 per cent of the American workforce. The shrinking of the agricultural workforce in the US is due to various causes, like the decrease in enthusiasm for the industry.


The majority of traders are 59.4 years old. When the time comes for them to retire, there will be fewer young farmers who can take their places. Under 35-year-olds only account for 9 per cent of the populace because they have lost interest.

The steep price of land and real estate prices and the large initial investment costs for agrotechnology and the volatility of commodity prices, the unpredictability of weather, the inequitable lifestyle balance and the significant physical demand could explain the low level of interest.

Finding farm workers is becoming more complicated for primary producers since corporate jobs offer more lucrative pay and work-from-home options. This has led to losing the American farmer’s competitive advantage over other countries and is also causing waste products.

Core Values

The FFA has a broad perspective of the human that integrates work-relate life – encouraging agriculture as a career option and personal, social and intellectual pursuits while trying to add value to the entire community.

They’re committe to achieving this goal by establishing capable and confident leadership in agriculture and enhancing the importance of this field and also its impact on social well-being.

They are focus on building confidence in oneself and students’ professionalism and encouraging a career in agriculture as an excellent option.

The FFA promotes programs for agriculture that assist students in learning how to manage their community’s environmental, economic, and human resources. In the process, they help them build character and improve interpersonal and interpersonal skills through collaboration.

They promote:

  • Citizenship
  • Volunteerism
  • Patriotism
  • Cooperation
  • Healthy lifestyles

Mission Statement

The mission statement reads: FFA makes a positive impact on the lives of students by building their capacity for superior leadership, personal growth and professional success through education in agriculture.

Components of the mission:

Bring about positive change: The organization aims to make its members’ lives better to make a difference for the better.

In the life of young people: It targets individuals who have just begun to decide on their career path and the students.

Enhance their capacity for leadership excellence: FFA seeks to develop the potential of each individual and assist in discovering their talents to lead. Through practical experiences, FFA gives its members the necessary tools to be successful on the job.

Personal development: The organization believes in making all aspects of life accessible to members’ lives, including personal, professional social, intellectual, and social life.

Achievement in your career through education in agriculture: The FFA fosters agricultural education to attain professional success and relies on the industry of agriculture as a means to achieve progress and achieve success.

Vision Statement

The vision statement reads: FFA provides the future generation of leaders that will transform the world.

Components of the vision statement:

Help to create the future leaders of the future: It focuses on students to help them prepare for the challenges to come in the world.

People who will transform this world encourage learning and young people to become the best at what they do to be future leaders and enhance people’s lives in their families and the country.

FFA Code of Ethics

Members of the FFA are require to conduct themselves in a way that is honorable to their organization, the school, their chapter, and their family. The FFA members promise to:

  1. Develop my potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success.
  2. Make a positive difference in the lives of others.
  3. Dress neatly and appropriately for the occasion.
  4. Respect the rights of others and their property.
  5. Be courteous, honest and fair with others.
  6. Communicate in an appropriate, purposeful and positive manner.
  7. Demonstrate good sportsmanship by being modest in winning and generous in defeat.
  8. Make myself aware of FFA programs and activities and an active participant.
  9. Conduct and value a supervise agricultural experience program.
  10. Strive to establish and enhance my skills through agricultural education in order to enter a successful career.
  11. Appreciate and promote diversity in our organization.

FFA Motto

The FFA motto provides members with 12 brief phrases to live by as they explore the possibilities within the FFA organization.
The Art of Learning, Doing to learn Earning to Live Serving to Serve.

FFA & Agricultural Education

FFA members are part of an overall agriculture education system that provides students with access to rewarding career opportunities in the sciences of business, technology and science of agriculture.

The three main elements of this program—of which FFA is just one—all work together to give students the academic, leadership, and professional experiences essential to the success of their careers.

FFA is a thriving youth-focus organization that is a component of agricultural education at the high and middle levels. It was founde in the year of FFA, which stands for Future Farmers of America; the name was change in 1998 to reflect the expanding variety of the agricultural sector.

Today, FFA members are participating in a range of educational and FFA activities that lead to over 300 opportunities for careers in the field of agriculture. FFA is organize on three levels: state, local and national.

FFA Websites


Q.1 Who wrote FFA motto?

ANS. The FFA Creed was written by E.M. Tiffany in 1928 and was officially approve by FFA’s National FFA Organization in 1930.

The creed was revise two times to make its current edition. An update FFA Creed was propose in 1990 but was overwhelmingly reject by a group of delegates at the National FFA convention.

Q.2 What are the three components of FFA mission?

ANS. To fulfil its mission, FFA: Develops competent and self-assure leadership in agriculture. Enhances awareness of agriculture’s global and technological significance and impact on our health and well-being. Improves the confidence of agricultural students in their abilities and work.

Q.3 What is the first two words FFA motto?

ANS. Our members follow the motto of learning to do, Learning to Do, Earning to Live, and serving others. FFA members take on the challenge of giving back to people from all walks of life by FFA.

Q.4 What is the FFA salute?

ANS. FFA Salute. FFA Salute. The Pledge of Allegiance is the official salute for the FFA organisation. For the proper conduct of the salute, stand in front of the United States flag, and place your right hand over the left portion of the chest. While in a position where it is held, then make the Pledge of Allegiance.

Q.5 What is the FFA uniform called?

ANS. Official Dress

The uniform worn by FFA members at state, local and national functions is an official dress. It symbolises identity and provides an identifiable image to the organisation and its participants. The Official dress has been worn proudly by millions of FFA members since 1933.


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