The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning in Love, Health, Money?

The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Health, Money

The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning: represents the second trump or Major Arcana card in the Tarot deck. It is powerful yet fascinating. The card symbolizes sexuality, mystery, and general superiority.


While many tarot cards require taking actions or taking a step, The High Priestess card is a card that is not a signifying action. 

Those who draw it should think about removing the involvement. Instead of trying to influence the narrative, instead, look for the possibilities and potential.


The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning in Love, Health, Money

In an initiation, The High Priestess frequently advises you to take a moment and think about the current situation and trust your intuition to guide you through the case.

The High Priestess’s Keywords


Upright: Intuition, sacred knowledge, divine feminine, the subconscious mind

Reversed: Secrets, disconnected from intuition, withdrawal, and silence

The High Priestess Tarot Card Description

Most likely, you’ve had the privilege of meeting the High Priestess previously; however, in different ways – she’s depicted in the archetypes of Persephone, Artemis, Isis, and many others. 


If you meet her, you’ll find them seated on a stone cubical between the two pillars of Solomon’s Temple, Jachin, and Boaz.

Jachin (right) has been often called The Pillar of Establishment, and Boaz (left) is known as the Pillar of Strength. 

Pillars also symbolize nature’s dual nature: feminine and masculine, evil and good, negative and positive.

The position of the High Priestess between these two pillars indicates that she has a responsibility to act as a mediator between the various levels of reality. She is the third pillar, the one that connects. 

It is believed that all posts have equal value, and there is wisdom to be gained from both worlds. Also, she is wearing her crown from Isis, which could mean that she believes in magic.

The high priestess‘s wear of that solar cross indicates that she is linked to the seasons of the earth and even the Earth itself. 

The crescent moon that is at her feet can also be seen in a variety of images of Mary. Mary indicates that she has complete control over her emotions, and the pomegranates symbolize the determination of the priestesses.

The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning (Upright)

The significance of the High Priestess’s name is based on inner wisdom. Her appearance during a reading may suggest that it’s time to pay attention to your intuition rather than focusing on your brain and your conscious mind. 

When the High Priestess is shown up, it could represent an archetype known as divine femininity, the mysterious female who understands and has the answers to the most elusive questions such as self, religion, and nature. 

The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning

She is a person who is intuitive and is beginning to accept their spirituality. Prayer, meditation, and new spiritual activities are depicted.

The card depicts the nighttime, which means that the universe in which she guards and protects herself can at first appear scary; however, it can guide us towards the development of ourselves. 

If she appears in a reading, she’s inviting you to listen to her voice and follow her to your innermost deepest levels.

It is your search to discover the answers you’ve been searching for. The answers to the questions you’ve got are inside, not outside.

High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning in Love and Relationships (Upright)

The appearance of the High Priestess in the Tarot reading of love is beautiful and sensual since it indicates a great deal of affection and love towards someone special to you in your life. 

If you’re a querent or dating, the card signifies that you’re fantasizing and lusting or imagining a romantic relationship with an impossible woman.

It might also be that people from opposite sexuality are lusting over you! If you’re currently in an affair, it could signify that a delicate, romantic, sensual, and romantic time is to come!

If this card represents a Male in his Tarot reading, it means that the people who are native to the area will be drawn to an attractive new person who is very attractive and sensual. It could also be difficult for natives.

Suppose the native Female, the look of this card signifies that she will be beautiful in her environment and society. 

Many men are likely to be drawn to and in love with her due to her attractive appearance and magnetic aura. This card also suggests the possibility of sexual intimacy throughout life.

High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning in Health & Career 

The Upright High Priestess shows you should nourish your body for good health. You should prioritize your health and mental well-being.

Balanced bodies have it. You’re neglecting your health. This is why you should take care of yourself and schedule meals, exercise, and other tasks.

The erect High Priestess might also indicate that long-suffering women will get better.

This card represents hormonal balance and a regular menstrual cycle because it represents fertility. It recommends against ignoring health issues.

Your health may worsen. When restoring this card to excellent health, rest and relax.

The High Priestess Tarot card represents higher education and learning for students pursuing careers.

This Major Arcana card inspires creativity. Your choice requires major decisions.

However, the card advises you to follow your heart and follow the stream or domain inside the field.

You should also avoid relying on others. The Tarot card says that those who have settled into their career will feel more directed, which will enhance their work.

The Upright High Priestess card represents a vibrant existence and encourages you to stay enthusiastic in your profession and manage time efficiently to accomplish.

The High Priestess Card Tarot Card Meaning (Reversed)

The High Priestess who reverses usually says you’re neglecting your intuition.

Have you ignored a nagging intuition that something’s wrong? Do you have a problem with a rational solution, but your instincts scream otherwise? Ignoring these intuitions will keep you back.

The worst-case scenario is peril. Give your intuition time and space. Write, meditate, or just sit in nature to wait for the response.

The High Priestess symbolizes mysteries and hidden knowledge. Like the Two of Swords or Moon card, this card can conclude a reading.

The information is blocked. Wait and ask again.

This card is unfavorable when a problem-related person withholds information. Beware of hidden agendas.

The High Priestess may indicate a self-shadow imbalance or repressed subconscious. Jungian Shadow Self refers to our socially unacceptable traits.

They lie beneath daily consciousness. Lies, negativity, wrath, and jealousy can bring forth your shadow self. Look into your shadow.

You’re not alone—everyone does! Examine your complex, complicated motives. Tarot divination. T

The Devil card means the darkness is strong. To reach your full potential, the High Priestess card’s shadow is revealed.

High Priestess Card Tarot Card Meaning Love and Relationships (Reversed)

It is believed that the High Priestess reverses the love tarot, which indicates you are not in touch with your feelings.

It could be that you are focused on what others think and say about you instead of being attentive and trusting yourself. 

Make a conscious effort to see yourself as a wonderful person. If you’re an unmarried man, The reversed High Priestess could mean that there could be a sly female seeking to grab your attention.

Ensure you don’t open your heart to anybody before knowing their intentions.

If you’re engaged, this could indicate your ability to remain in the dark about your thoughts and feelings in the privacy of your mind and not speak publicly about them. 

This can cause conflicts and blockages, and the little tidbits in time will be able to carry greater weight over time. 

The High Priestess’s appearance is reversed as a warning to stay away from the current reality and confront them with transparency and honesty.

High Priestess Card Tarot Card Meaning Money & Career

In the case of your financial affairs, ensure that you know all terms and conditions you agree to before you sign any contracts. 

There are many nuances to what things seem to be. There could be a shady person who is lying to you. Be sure to trust your gut if you feel there’s a feeling that something isn’t quite right.

Regarding career, The High Priestess’s reverse could mean that you aren’t offered new projects or tasks you’d hoped to get.

It could be that you feel as if you’re isolated and disengaged from the circle that you were once part of. It is essential to consider the root of this. Have you been unproductive or indifferent recently?

High Priestess Card Tarot Card Meaning Health and Spirituality

The reversed High Priestess can suggest that you’ve slowly removed yourself from the activities used to boost your energy. 

Please make an effort to be physically active, since it’s good for your health. For women high priestesses, the reversed High Priestess may be a sign of hormonal imbalances or problems in pregnancy. Do not be shy about any issues you may face and seek assistance.

The High Priestess’s reversal in a spiritual context says that you may have lost your healthy connection to your spirituality. 

The connection isn’t lost. However, you must be in tune with it over time and relax. Mindfulness and meditation exercises can be helpful.

The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning in Love, Health, Money FAQ

Q 1. What does the High Priestess tarot card represent?

In A. A. Waite’s book from 1910, Pictorial The Key of the Tarot, The High Priestess card can linked to The secret, the mystery, and the undiscovered future; the woman that has an interest in the Querent, should they male, or the Querent herself is female, and the silence, tenacity, mystery as well as wisdom and science.

Q 2. What does the High Priestess card mean in a love reading?

If you’re a male, The High Priestess in your reading within a love Tarot scenario usually indicates that you’ll enthralled by an attractive female sexual person that may not be attainable for you. 

If you’re female, the High Priestess will indicate that you are highly desired by several people.

Q 3. What is the Tarot card for true love?

The Lover is the most potent Tarot card that symbolizes love and an unimaginable relationship and deep bond between two individuals. 

The presence of the Lovers in a reading is a sign of an authentic relationship that is based on mutual trust and mutual respect.

Q 4. What Tarot card mean new relationship?

A single among the “surest and most classic” signs of a new romance is that of the Ace of Cups. 

According to tarot-reading expert Katherine Emily, Aces in Tarot symbolizes new beginnings and opportunities to be celebrated, as do Cups refer to our feelings and romantic circumstances.

Q 5. What are the four main Tarot cards?

The four cards of the court are typically the page and knight, as well as the queen and the king. Certain variations include prince and princess cards in place of the knight and page cards. 

The Visconti-Sforza Tarot is a court expansion with two additional cards, the damsel and the mounted lady.


The High Priestess is about instincts and subconscious wisdom. This card is very ingrained in our psyche, making it a very intimate and unpleasant card to encounter.

The High Priestess, to my mind, is one of the most significant Tarot cards, especially when trying to create an even stronger connection to the world of your subconscious.


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